Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mobile Chapel of Love (Video)

My friend (ex-coworker and member of infamous rogue yarn group The Crotcheteers) Mary S. is highlighted in this video by OregonLive.

Mary runs the Mobile Chapel of Love, a Portland icon of... well, love. The bike powered chapel performs both legally recognized and above-the-law weddings, to anyone or anything you'd like.
Or rather, that you'd love... be that a bike, a Voodoo Donut, or the City of Portland.

Our marriage culture is more polarized than ever in America. As we (at the best of times) humbly discuss, and (worst of times) rant vitriolically about what marriage is and what makes it holy, let's take a minute to enjoy this. Whatever your views, it's a unique visual representation of something every husband or wife knows: much of your marriage is made of what you bring to it. 

Sacredness breeds sacredness, silliness breeds silliness, and there is a joyful place for both.

Are you married? Take the time to ask yourself what that really means.
Then go give your spouse a big sloppy kiss.

(P.S. - That's my good buddy Brandon in the Honeymoon Suite with his bride! Shout out for The Reverend Brown Note!)

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